Please review the following membership categories and determine which level is appropriate for you and your company. Completed forms can be sent to the ASGA office via email, fax or mail, where they are reviewed for approval.
Please note that memberships are not pro-rated, and are renewed yearly through notification from the ASGA office.
2020 Member Rates
To view our member rate sheet, please CLICK HERE.

Regular membership is limited to those with provincial or municipal permits for sand and gravel operations.
Associate/ Consultant

An associate member is any person, organization or company which is in any way associated with the sand and gravel industry. A consultant member is any person, organization or company who provides products or services to the sand and gravel industry.
County/ Municipal District

This level of membership is comprised of Municipal Districts and Counties.
Benefits of Membership
Leadership and Vision: The Alberta Sand & Gravel Association's Board of Directors represents companies engaged in the aggregate industry throughout Alberta. Directors actively promote the association within the province and across Canada on a wide range of committees and policy initiatives, and are involved and committed to the industry and the diverse range of companies that they represent.
Advocacy: The ASGA works on behalf of its members to reach out to Alberta's provincial and municipal governments. We seek information on the initiatives being undertaken at each level of government, and advocate for the interests of the sand and gravel industry from a holistic perspective, including impacts and consequences of regulations, policies, bylaws and other parameters established by governments. We also advocate for sustainability and stewardship of aggregate resources, along with the longevity of those who operate within the aggregate business.
Training and Education: As our membership identifies areas of needs and interests, the ASGA works to provide informational and educational opportunities. As of 2015, our training roster includes Water Act and Silica Safety sessions. We continue to explore additional areas of interest to expand training opportunities offered to our members.
Member's Only Website: Members of the ASGA gain exclusive access to our member's only website where they may download archived minutes from Board and Committee meetings, as well as historical issues of our newsletters. Members are also able to access helpful environment and safety documents, and a number of association reports and presentations.
Communications and Outreach: ASGA communication efforts include the publication of a quarterly newsletter and regular news blasts to keep our membership informed and up-to-date on important issues. Most importantly, members gain access to the ASGA Member's Only webpage, which serves as a centralized hub for all things sand and gravel in Alberta. The ASGA also promotes the aggregate industry and educates other professionals on association initiatives and sand and gravel operations in various events and forums.
Annual General Meeting: The Alberta Sand and Gravel Association proudly presents the opportunity for members to come together and hear a series of speakers who are selected based on the needs, interests, and changing dynamics of our industry. The AGM also includes a trade show and networking opportunities where members can meet, exchange ideas, and learn about the latest initiatives and offerings from the ASGA.
Exposure & Promotion: In addition to being listed in our online membership directory, ASGA members are also provided opportunities to interact and network with other industry professionals. Be it at our AGM or at our education sessions, members are able to use this time to expand social circles and promote their business.
Truck Registry: Since 1975, the ASGA Truck Registry has been improving relationships between aggregate producers, haulers, municipalities, and communities. Likewise, being part of the Registry illustrates a commitment by aggregate producers to uphold their haulers to a high standard of operation. The Registry imparts minimum operating standards and establishes accountabilities through numerical identification of each registered truck. Through a centralized toll-free number the ASGA oversees an established complaint management protocol, resulting in improved commitment for the communities in which members operate.
Support to Municipalities: The success of Alberta Sand and Gravel Association's Truck Registry continues to improve as municipal governments realize the benefits of partnering with the ASGA, aggregate producers, and haulers in improving overall sand and gravel operations, accountability, and stewardship within – and beyond - their jurisdictions. By incorporating an ASGA registry requirement into permits and agreements, the complaint volumes and burden of complaint managing is borne by the ASGA rather than the Municipal District or County. This is done with no cost to the municipality, as the registry and associated costs are paid for by ASGA member companies, with the ASGA office actively managing all components of the registry on behalf of our membership.