
The ASGA serves to represent the interests of Alberta sand and gravel operators on key industry related issues and proposed regulatory changes and to promote and educate today's aggregate consumers.

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Reclamation Projects

A large amount of aggregate is being lost or is at risk of being lost due to gravel deposit sterilization throughout the province. The goal of the ASGA is to work with communities and regulatory bodies to encourage responsible development of this resource and ensure the reclamation of land following the extraction of gravel.

Read more about Sand and Gravel reclamation projects here.

CAP Levy

Under the Municipal Government Act, municipalities have the ability to pass a Community Aggregate Payment (CAP) Levy bylaw to require operators to report shipments based on tonnage, and pay a levy of up to the regulated maximum rate of $0.40 per tonne of sand and gravel extracted.

Read more about CAP Levy here.


The ASGA is active throughout the province of Alberta through involvement in several committees, programs and initiatives.

Read more about the ASGA’s Committees here.

Aggregate Facts

Did you know that it takes approximately 60,800 tonnes of aggregate to construct a 1 lane-km of a four lane highway.