Position Statements

The ASGA is focused on the orderly and responsible development of Alberta's aggregate resources, promoting high standards of workmanship and accountability to the environment and to the safety of related operations.

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When ASGA issues a Position Statement it is intended to provide members, government, and the public with a formal perspective of where the ASGA stands on a topic or debate. All Position Statements are approved by the ASGA Board of Directors before being issued. Position statements are published on an ongoing basis, and will be posted as the ASGA encounters issues of importance.

Referrals & Pricing Data

Rock Damage

Decal Usage

Aggregate Facts

Did you know that for straight gravel hauls with minimal traffic, the price of aggregate increases $0.15 per tonne for every mile from the extraction site? Close to market reserves is one way the aggregate industry reduces environmental footprints and risk of accident.