ASGA Reminders: Election, Red Deer Breakfast, Award Go back

Friday, October 13, 2017

Municipal elections will be held throughout Alberta on Monday, October 16, 2017, so don't forget to vote.


A New Event for Lacombe and Red Deer Counties

On November 2, 2017, the ASGA is holding a new kind of regional gravel industry event. The Red Deer/Lacombe Gravel Industry Breakfast is a chance for members to connect with colleagues, forge new partnerships and remain current on the latest industry news.

This is a pilot project which, if successful, could spawn similar events in places like Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Calgary and others. These breakfast events would focus on the needs of members in a specific region to ensure it is time and money well spent for every attendee.

If you're in the Red Deer or Lacombe areas, please join us. If your firm has operations in the area, encourage your colleagues and co-workers to support this venture. 

November 2, 2017
7:30 - 9:30 am
Sheraton Red Deer Hotel
3310 50th Avenue, Red Deer
Speakers include:
  • A special session from Alberta Environment & Parks on the latest area news from this department, featuring AEP staff member Don Watson.
  • Barb Miller, MLA for Red Deer South, reporting from the Alberta Legislature.
  • ASGA President Dale Soetaert reporting on CAP Levy, Government Relations, and other ASGA news! 

Tickets are limited and are just $75.00 for ASGA members, $150.00 for non-members.

We also have a small amount of exhibitor booths available for just $250.00, which includes two event tickets.

Thank you for your support!


Industry Responding to ASGA Award of Excellence

The new ASGA Award of Excellence is sparking the interest of industry, and for good reason. The award was developed to spotlight outstanding examples of stewardship, community relations and operations from aggregate producers in Alberta.The winning company receives a full feature in AGM programming and a profile on the ASGA website.

To be presented at the ASGA 2018 AGM:

January 10 & 11, 2018
The Marriott at River Cree Resort
Edmonton, AB 

Deadline for submissions is November 1, 2017

The company submitting the application must be an active ASGA producer member. Note that applicants are not required to apply for the award in any specific area; rather, they are encouraged to demonstrate what makes their site an outstanding example for the industry.

Applicants should support their submission with written explanations, photographs, site plans and other supporting documentation that may be appropriate.

Complete it and email to or call John at 780.435.2844 x 1 for more information. 

Aggregate Facts

Did you know that it takes approximately 60,800 tonnes of aggregate to construct a 1 lane-km of a four lane highway.